They Must Be Destroyed On Sight!

Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
A little late getting this episode out, but yet again Lee is joined by Paul, this time to talk about the gory 1983 creature feature, Douglas McKeown's "The Deadly Spawn", and then get into a casual chat about movie monsters in general. Like last time, this was taken from a G+ Hangout, thus there may be some minor sound quality issues, but nothing too distracting.End Song: "Godzilla" by Blue Öyster Cult.

Sunday Jul 19, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 210: "Freaks" (1932).
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Lee and Daniel let their freaks off the leash this week as they cover Tod Browning's "Freaks" from 1932. Some of the topics brought up: is the film a horror film?; does it exploit the actual freaks who performed in the film?; who are the real freaks?; the background of some of the performers; early anti-eugenic stances just before the Nazis came to power in Germany; how this film ruined Tod Browning's career; and if a remake would be possible. Also, Lee uses the soundboard software he bought and plays a live .mp3 listener comment. The hosts respond to other listener comments and talk about what they have watched as of late. Get your freak on!
If you would like to submit an audio message, send your .mp3 here:
"Freaks" IMDB
Featured Music: "Pinhead" by The Ramones; "Circus" & "Lucky Day (Overture)" by Tom Waits.

Monday May 25, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 204: "The Sea Wolves" (1980).
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Lee and Daniel steal an old piece of shit boat and go on a mission around India this week, covering "The Sea Wolves" (1980). What does this WWII men-on-a-mission film, full of over-the-hill actors, have to offer to the genre if anything? How closely does it stick to the real-life events it's based upon? Is Roger Moore a better Bond here then in the official Bond series? Or is he just a horny serial killer? All of this and more, including what the hosts have watched recently is covered.
"The Sea Wolves" IMDB
Featured Music: "Enemy Beneath the Waves" & "Warsaw Concerto" by Roy Budd.

Monday May 04, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 202: "Platoon" (1986).
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Lee and Daniel try not to be responsible for any war crimes this week as they dig into Oliver Stone's semi-autobiographical anti-war film, about his experiences in Vietnam, "Platoon" (1986). How well does the film hold-up? Does it suffer from being a 1980s Oscar-bait film? Or is it possibly the best film about the Vietnam war, even if it's flawed? Is Charlie Sheen any good in it? All of this and more is covered.
"Platoon" IMDB
Featured Music: "I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish & "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 201: "Southern Comfort" (1981).
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Lee and Daniel find themselves knee-deep in the swamps of the American deep south this week as they tackle Walter Hill's "Southern Comfort" (1981). The conversation mostly is split into two parts, where the hosts try to give the film its fair shake as both a semi-survival horror/hicksploitation mash-up film, as well as a very obvious discussion about America's sins during the Vietnam war (even if Hill denies the latter up and down). Also covered: listener comments and what the hosts have watched as of late. Come swampin' wit' us, mon amis.
"Southern Comfort" IMDB
Robert Evan's Behind The Bastards Podcast's episodes on "Soldier of Fortune" magazine:
Part 1Part 2
Featured Music: "Canoes Upstream" & "Theme from Southern Comfort" by Ry Cooder.

Monday Apr 20, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 200: "Day of the Dead" (1985).
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
The podcast has made it to episode 200, and thus it goes back to cover the last film in George A. Romero's original "Dead" trilogy - the trilogy where its name and mascot originated. That's right, the hosts have decided to time travel ahead from where they currently are in their reviewing schedule, and cover 1985's "Day of the Dead". Long lost host Paul has returned! In addition to this, podcaster Ricky Morgan of The Hail Ming Power Hour, Short Bus Cinema, and a ton of other great podcasts sits in the guest host chair. Smart zombies; scenery chewing; compromised production budgets; mad scientists; predicting a pandemic crisis, and how people would actually react; who is cooking the food?; and the terrible remakes are all topics that are brought up. Listener comments are also covered. So why not waste your time in this audio monkey farm, eh, Frankenstein?
"Day of the Dead" IMDB
Check out Ricky's great podcasts:
The Hail Ming Power HourShort Bus CinemaYou Know What's Awesome?
Featured Music: "On the Beach" & "Day of the Dead" by John Harrison.

Monday Apr 06, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 199: "In Old Arizona" (1928) & "The Virginian" (1929).
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Lee and Daniel found themselves in the talkies by mistake this week, but that didn't stop them from watching and giving their thoughts on "In Old Arizona" (1928) & "The Virginian" (1929), which are two post-silent era pre-code Westerns with a hell of a lot in common both good and bad.Things brought up include brown-face and bad stereotypical accents; the genre tropes of love triangles and the schoolmarm taming the wild cowboy; strange tonal shifts; The Cisco Kid series that "In Old Arizona" spawned; great moments in these early films that are ignored by so-called film experts, and the value of said experts opinions; and how "The Virginian" is really just a prequel to a film we've already covered, also starring Gary Cooper. Also covered: listener comments and what Daniel has watched as of late.
"In Old Arizona" IMDB
"The Virginian" IMDB
Featured Music: "My Tonia" by the Nat Shilkret Victor Orchestra; "Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-De-Ay" by Elsa Lanchester; and "Bury Me Not on the Lone Praire" by Burl Ives.

Monday Mar 23, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 198: "The Man Who Laughs" (1928).
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Lee and Daniel return to see if they can get a few chuckles out of Paul Leni's "The Man Who Laughs" (1928), featuring another signature performance from Conrad Veidt. Is this a horror film? Is this a true silent film? Duchesses having orgasms; facial scars; German expressionism; iron maidens being bullshit; perfumed wig-wearing fops; yawning in unison; and the rules for doing step sibling porn are just a few of the things brought up in this episode, as well as a large amount of listener comments, and what Lee has watched as of late.
"The Man Who Laughs" IMDB
Featured Music: "Laughing" by The Guess Who; "The Tears of a Clown" by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles; & "After Laughter (Comes Tears)" by Wendy Rene.

Monday Mar 09, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 197: "Wings" (1927).
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Lee and Daniel take flight with "Wings" (1927). The first Oscar winner for Best Picture (although called Best Production at the time), does this epic mixture of amazing WWI action and technical expertise jive well with the love triangle, broad comedic elements, and fairly blatant homosexual themes? Is the amazing Clara Bow used to her full potential here? The conversation turns into a bit of a dogfight as the hosts fly all around from topic to topic. Racism against the Dutch; the USA's role in WWI; pro-American propaganda; the more liberal attitudes of the 1920s; and Clara Bow fucking everyone she damn well pleased, are just a few of the things brought up. Also covered: listener comments and what they've watched as of late.
"Wings" IMDB
Catch Daniel on What The Hell Is Wrong With US? Podcast, covering "BioShock"
Featured Music: "Over There" by George M. Cohan & "Point Me at the Sky" by Pink Floyd.

Monday Mar 02, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 196: "The General" (1926).
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Lee and Daniel are still in the 1920s this week, and they each have a ticket good for one hell of a crazy train ride with Buster Keaton, in "The General" (1926). Much is said about Keaton's talents, especially his amazing (and very dangerous) stunt work, which is on display front and center here in a film that is very much part of the DNA of the modern action film. Other things brought up include films from this era's continued romantic revisionist take on the South's role in the Civil War; Keaton as a performer outside of just his brilliant stunt work; continued threats of doing a "Wings"-related podcast; listener comments; and what Lee has watched as of late.
"The General" IMDB
A Trip Through New York City in 1911 neural network restoration
Featured Music: "I've Got a Thing About Trains" by Johnny Cash; "Mystery Train" by Junior Parker; and "The First Train Heading South" by Johnny Horton.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 195: "Battleship Potemkin" (1925).
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Lee and Daniel are joined by their friend and fellow podcaster Jack Graham to talk about "Battleship Potemkin" (1925); the Sergei Eisenstein-directed, state-funded Russian propaganda film about a real-life mutiny aboard the titular Russian warship in 1905. Having Jack on, who knows a thing or two about communism, socialism, and Russian history, the hosts dig deep into some of the history behind the film and the real life event, and what the film gets correct (it's actually a hell of a lot). There's talk about what propaganda was then compared to what we consider it to be now; the techniques Eisenstein used in his films, including his famous uses of the montage; comparing this film to other "classic" propaganda films; and why a lot of the negative criticisms of this film are coming from a place of ignorance. Oh yeah...if you hadn't guessed, there might be some political conversation, too, so you've been warned. Listener comments and what the hosts have watched lately are also covered.
"Battleship Potemkin" IMDB
Featured Music: "The Big Ship" by Brian Eno & "Rock the Boat" by The Hues Corporation.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 194: "The Covered Wagon" (1923) & "The Iron Horse" (1924).
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Lee and Daniel cover some big-time early silent westerns this time out, both focused on events that helped build America and the mythology that arose around it. These two films - the top earners at the box office for their respective years - re-energised and also influenced the entire western genre to come afterwards. This time it's "The Covered Wagon" (1923) & "The Iron Horse" (1924). Topics include white-washed imperialism; whites playing Chinese and Chinese playing Native Americans; Cowboy Judd Hirsch; eye-gouging (or a lack thereof); the real life Jim Bridger, and our fictional take we want to sell to the Coen brothers; and how we've decided to just end TMBDOS! and start a podcast about the tv sitcom "Wings" (not really though, so don't worry). Things in our Facebook group and what Daniel has watched recently are also covered.
"The Covered Wagon" IMDB
"The Iron Horse" IMDB
Featured Music: "Wagon Train" by Carter Burwell; "Mile Long Train" by Jimmy Dean; "Railroad Blues" by Woodie Guthrie; and "Midnight Special" by Lead Belly.

Monday Feb 03, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 193: "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920) & "Häxan" (1922).
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Lee and Daniel are back again to cover some more silent film. This time out they look at two films that are considered all-time classics. First up they get sleepy and stabby with what is possibly the most famous example of German expressionism on film, "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920). Then they line up to kiss the Devil's ring of fire in the docu-drama "Häxan" (1922). Mental illness on film; devil sex parties; impressive early special effects; and how Werner Herzog might have remade "Caligari" are just a few of the things brought up. A follow-up from last week about the host's thoughts on "Joker", and listener comments, are also covered.
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" IMDB
"Häxan" IMDB
Featured Music: "Calliope" & "Dave the Butcher" by Tom Waits; "The Witch" by The Rattles; and "The Witch" by The Sonics.

Monday Jan 27, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 192: "Broken Blossoms" (1919) & "Within Our Gates" (1920).
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Lee and Daniel return to look at some more silent films. This week it's two very notable examples of early films dealing with race relations. First off it's D.W. Griffith's "Broken Blossoms" (1919), and then they tackle Oscar Micheaux's "Within Our Gates" (1920). How drunk does Lee have to get in this recording in order to handle some of the awful things that pop up in both films? Topics include Griffith's legacy and the importance of films that are well-made, but clearly still racist as fuck; Lillian Gish's acting chops; yellowface; Micheaux being critical of ideas from fellow Blacks about their place in America in his day; and how we give you, the listener, the audio "long sex". What we've watched recently and listener comments are also gone over.
"Broken Blossoms" IMDB
"Within Our Gates" IMDB
Catch Lee's latest appearance on Get Soft With Dr. Snuggles
Featured Music: "Redrum" & "Knife Chase" by Tom Waits; "White Blossom" by D.W. Griffith; and "Alabama" by Neil Young.

Monday Jan 20, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 191: "The Perils of Pauline" (1914).
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Lee and Daniel are back with more silent film this week. This time they tackle the surviving version of "The Perils of Pauline" (1914), which is a series that's famous for establishing tropes it actually had little or nothing to do with, like the cliffhanger. Repetitive plots; fun stunt work; silly women wanting agency; blackface; and strange family relations are just a few of the topics brought up in this one. The hosts also cover a listener comment and what they've been watching as of late.
"The Perils of Pauline" IMDB
A great review of "The Perils of Pauline" by Movies Silently
Featured Music: "Hold on, I'm Comin'" by Sam & Dave; "You Keep Me Hangin' On" by The Supremes; and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" by Postmodern Jukebox.

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
In this episode Lee and Daniel talk about three short silent films from the 1900s - two of which, at the very least, are considered highly influential classic of cinema. The films are "A Trip to the Moon" (1902); "The Great Train Robbery" (1903); and "The Airship Destroyer" (1909). Some brief background information about what film was and how it was watched in this era is covered, before getting into a fun conversation about the merits and limitations of these three pioneers of what we all know to be film today.
"A Trip to the Moon" IMDB
"The Great Train Robbery" IMDB
"The Airship Destroyer" IMDB
Visit the fun Euro horror-centric Mondo Squallido.
Featured Music: "Shine On, Harvest Moon" by Ada Jones and Billy Murray; "Railroad Bill" by Walt Robertson; and "Child of the Moon" by The Rolling Stones.

Monday Jan 06, 2020
TMBDOS! Episode 189: "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019).
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Lee and Daniel take a quick detour from their plans for 2020, which is to cover film selections from the 1900s to the 2010s in chronological order, in order to break down Quentin Tarantino's latest film "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" (2019). Both hosts come in to this one with some different views on the film, which makes for a fun chat. Also covered: listener comments and what the hosts have watched as of late.
"Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" IMDB
"'Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood' | Tarantino at his Most Meta"
Featured Music: "Ready for Action" by Syd Dale; "Snoopy vs. The Red Baron" by The Royal Guardsmen; "Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show" by Neil Diamond; and "Son of a Lovin' Man" by the Buchanan Brothers.

Monday Dec 16, 2019
TMBDOS! Episode 186: "The Bermuda Depths" (1978).
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Lee and Daniel end off their little series on film recommendations from listener Jeff Williams. This time it's the weird ABC Movie of the week from 1978, "The Bermuda Depths". Is this mash-up of fantasy & horror; featuring a beautiful undead maiden, a giant sea turtle, and a half-naked Carl Weathers sporting a bazooka harpoon any good? It's a Rankin & Bass co-production with Tsuburaya Productions, so it's at least worth a look, right? RIGHT? How would Jess Franco have done this film? Listener comments and what the hosts have watched lately is also brought up.
"The Bermuda" Depths IMDB
Featured Music: "Turtles" by Henry Mancini & "Jennie's Song" by Maury Laws, Jules Bass, and sung by Claude Carmichael.

Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Lee and Daniel are joined by guest host Greg to peek again into the future. This time it's a window into the Bronx of both 1990 and 2000, as depicted in Enzo G. Castellari's "1990: The Bronx Warriors" (1982) & "Escape from the Bronx" (1983). This episode has talk about weird gangs; great villains who meet underwhelming ends; non-stop action; George Eastman; the weird posture, acting, and eventual vanishing of Mark Gregory; gentrification and ethnic cleansing; ideas for a possible third film; and which film is ultimately better. Listener comments and what the hosts have watched are also talked about.
"1990: The Bronx Warriors" IMDB
"Escape from the Bronx" IMDB
Featured Music: "Escape Sequence 3" by Francesco De Masi; "Bronx 1990" by Walter Rizzati; and "Escape Sequence 1" by Francesco De Masi.

Monday Jul 15, 2019
TMBDOS! Episode 170: "Conquest" (1983).
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
In the wake of films like 1982's "Conan the Barbarian" and "The Beastmaster", Italian cinema did its thing and started making cheap rip-offs. Lucio Fulci unleashed his version of one of these with 1983's "Conquest".
Lee, Daniel and Paul have come together in this episode in an epic quest to figure out just what the hell the film is actually about (when we can clearly see what's happening on-screen). One of them loves it, one of them likes it, and one of them was really, really confused and bored by it. Be warned, there's a lot of padding of the run time with listener comments, what we've watched, and strange asides such as Dr. Pimple Popper of all damn things.
"Conquest" IMDB
Featured Music: "Main Theme"; "The Capture" & "Night Creatures" by Claudio Simonetti.